Anniversary of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s return to Bangladesh

The 10th of January was celebrated across Bangladesh as the anniversary of the great return of the Father of the Nation – Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, who is also described as Bangabandhu – Friend of Bengal.

Mujibur Rahman is the undisputed leader of the nation and the supreme commander of the war of national liberation.

The celebrations had special significance this year because of the coincidence with the celebrations of the birth of the Father of the Nation and the golden jubilee of the country’s independence.

On 26 March 1971, Bangabandhu announced the independence of Bangladesh and called people to participate fully in the national war of liberation.

Immediately after the declaration of independence, the Pakistani army arrested Bangabandhu at his residence in Dhanmondi and sent him to a prison in West Pakistan the next day, where he was subjected to inhuman torture. The leader was sentenced to death in a short trial. In prison, he counted down the days until his sentence was carried out.

“When I was in a cell as a convict, every day I was waiting to be hanged. From the day I went to prison, the thought of whether I would live or die was running through my mind. I was mentally ready to die. However, I knew that Bangladesh would become liberated.” – with these words Bangabandhu spoke about his ordeal in a Pakistani jail.

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman returned to the independent Bangladesh on January 10, 1972, after 290 days of his imprisonment in Pakistan.

After reaching Dhaka airport on the afternoon of January 10, Bangabandhu was greeted by thousands of overjoyed people who were eagerly waiting for their leader.

Aleksandra Zakrzewska
