The Polish-Bangladeshi Chamber of Commerce was established on 18 February 2019 by Resolution No. 2/2019/WZ I of the General Meeting of the Founding Members of the Chamber.
By virtue of Resolution No. 3/2019/WZ of the same day, the first authorities of the Chamber were appointed. The executive power in the Chamber is exercised by the Presidium (Bureau) presided over by the President.
By the decision of the District Court for Kraków – Śródmieście in Kraków, XI Economic Division of the National Court Register of 7 May 2019, the Chamber was entered into the register of associations, other social and professional organisations, foundations and independent public health care institutions. Thus, the Chamber became a legal entity and started its activity.
On the day of its foundation, the Chamber consisted of over 50 members, mainly from the Małopolska Province in Poland.
The Chamber is the first such institution in the history of Polish-Bangladesh relations.
The aim of the Chamber is, among others, to support, inspire and support the development and economic cooperation between the Republic of Poland and the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, to support and protect the economic interests of its members and to obtain and disseminate information about the state of development of the economy and the conditions of operation in the Republic of Poland and the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
The decision of the Presidium of the Chamber adopted the logo:

The logo is a combination of symbols of both countries, whose economic relations the Chamber wants to initiate. The Polish white crowned eagle combines with the national colours of Bangladesh (green and red), as well as the sail of a traditional Bangladeshi boat.
The logo is the property of the Chamber and can be used only with the written consent of its authorities.
Institution of the Chamber of Commerce
The Chamber of Commerce is an institution consisting of persons conducting business activity in a specific field of economy. Membership in it is voluntary. The Chambers do not exercise any authority over their members.
The activity of the Chambers of Commerce in Poland is regulated by the Act of 30 May 1989 on the Chambers of Commerce.
A Chamber of Commerce may be established by 50 entrepreneurs if its area of activity covers only one province, or by 100 entrepreneurs if its area of activity exceeds one province.
The process of creating the chambers consists of three stages:
- initiative of the founders,
- the adoption of the statute,
- filing an application for registration in the National Court Register and obtaining a legally valid entry.
Once the registration is obtained, the Chamber acquires legal personality and may commence legal activity.
In relation to the type of activity, the chambers are divided into chambers of commerce and bilateral chambers of commerce.
Chamber of commerce – by definition, its activity is to consist in the appropriate influence and influence on the economic policy of the government and the state, organizing measures to ensure the economic expansion of its members on the domestic and foreign markets.
Bilateral Chamber of Commerce – by definition, deals with foreign trade issues. It is organised to support trade in goods between the country in which it is established and the country with which the development of relations is to be supported. In addition, its activity consists in organizing trade visits or meetings of representatives of the authorities with entrepreneurs. The cooperation with consulates and embassies undertaken by the Chamber is an important aspect.